Proposed New Technical Institute 1902

Photo reference number: 1251

Illustration and text (below) from 'Newport Year Book 1902', published by the Newport Chamber Of Commerce.

A view of the new Technical Institute to be erected on the Nursery Ground at the corner of Clarence Place and Rodney Road, to supersede the present ill-adapted temporary premises. The main entrance will be from Clarence Place under a low tower. There will be a third frontage to the new street running between Rodney Place and Corporation Road, and the various class rooms are grouped on the three frontages, the fourth side of the site being intended for a lecture hall, to be entered from Clarence Place as well as from the Institute corridors. The building is arranged with all the departments conveniently separated by distinct corridors, and will incorporate the most recent ideas in regard to accommodation, fittings, warming, ventilation, etc. The science and technical subjects, for which provision is made, are chemistry, physics, electrical science, mathematics, engineering, biology, carpentry, plumbing, bricklaying, plastering, metal work, commercial and mercantile subjects, laundry work, and cookery classes. The art section, placed on the middle and top floors overlooking Clarence Place, is north lighted throughout, and provides for elementary and advanced classes in painting, model drawing, geometry, shading, clay modelling, and lithography. The ground floor front, by the main entrance, will be utilised for a committee room, registrar's offices, and students' common room. The mechanical workshops are arranged further behind, with the physics department above. The chemistry department will be placed on the top floor, above the physics, and each will include elementary and advanced laboratories, lecture room, and preparation room. Rooms for cloaks, storage for bicycles, and lavatories are also provided. Externally, breadth and refinement, expressive of the purpose of the building, have been aimed at. The whole will be faced with Forest or Bridgend stone, and roofed with green slates. The boilers, engines, and dynamos for heating and power, will be adapted for instruction and demonstration. Steam will be used to warm the building by means of ventilating radiators placed in all rooms and corridors. Vitiated air will be extracted by a number of electric fans. The plans have been prepared by Mr. Norman M. Brown, A.R.I.B.A., and were selected by the Technical Instruction Committee, with the assistance and approval of a professional assessor, from among ten sets submitted in competition, and based on carefully prepared instructions. The Newport Technical Instruction Committee earnestly appeal for subscriptions and donations from the general public towards the cost of the scheme, which, when complete, will involve a sum of £25,000.


Chairman: Councillor T. Canning, C.E., J.P. Vice-Chairman: Councillor J. Liscombe. Chairman of the Executive Committee: Councillor G. W. White. Chairman of the Finance Committee: Mr. F. J. Heybyrne. Members nominated by the Town Council : The Mayor, Councillor T. Canning, C.E., J.P., Councillor W. C. Phillips, Councillor J. Liscombe, Councillor G. H. Llewellyn, Councillor G. W. White, Councillor J. H. Williams, Councillor L. S. Abrahamson, Councillor H. Duckham. Members nominated by other Bodies: The Rev. Father Bailey, The Rev. H. Abraham, Mr. F. J Heybyrne, Mr. J. Twomey, Mr. H. Woodliff, Head Master of the Art Department: W. Bush, F.C.S. Head Master of the Departments of Science, Technology and Commerce: J. J. Stewart, M.A., B.Sc. Registrar : G. W. Moores.